Profile MYOSB-045: Hina Sumiko

Owned by atelierfarms

Name: Hina Sumiko
Age: 26
Birthday: 01/01/1995
Gender: Blankgirl
Pronouns: They/Her
SO: Abrosexual
Race: SoftBot
Height: 156 cm / 5 ft 2 in
Weight: 73 kg / 160 lbs


Personality: She's creative, sincere, dedicated, and perhaps a little too uncontrolled. But this is all just a facade, a mechanism to deal with her position.

She was born into a high-class family in a normal community. She lived free of worries until she was about 14 years old, but at that point, life changed.

She got an important job and was becoming quite desirable. Alongside great friends, she enjoys life in a mad world. But with her curiosity and powers, there's nothing to stop her from going beyond expectations. She could quickly become somebody we can expect great things from.

Despite all this success, she is currently looking for a place to truly call home. She feels like there's more than meets the eye in this world. Luckily she has plenty of resources to support her.

Backstory: It's hard to describe a complex person like Hina Sumiko, but at the very least she's orderly and considerate. Of course, she's also courteous, helpful, and passionate, but they're far less prominent, especially compared to impulses of being disloyal as well.
Her sense of order though is what she's kind of cherished. People regularly count on this and her spontaneity in times of need.

Nobody's perfect of course and Hina has plenty of less favorable traits too. Her possessive nature and grim ways tend to get in the way, much to the annoyance of others.
Fortunately, her considerate nature helps keep them in check for at least a little.

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