Official Data
ID # MYOSB-097
Species SoftBot
Rank Civilian
Rarity Normal
Category MYO (MYOSB)
Owner koolwench
Created at: 11 July 2022, 18:23:43 PDT
Last updated: 1 year ago
Character Data
Title Title Not Found
Name Orpheus
Age 23
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Height 4'11"
Kingdom Swanmiria
Quote No Quote Recorded
Recorded Data Orpheus is a super imaginative toy maker from Swanmiria. He's a little eccentric and runs a shop so that he can get by. He's had his business since he was old enough to work. Originally, Orpheus started to sell his creations to make people happy and share his creations with the world. However, he's slightly lost a little passion for his work because of the heavy tourism and lack of regular customers. It's safe to say he's a bit lonely. He wants nothing more than to go and do exciting things. Though, for a while, he didn't really have anyone to do that with. That is, until he met his friends Lottie and Vivalter. Now, every day is an adventure whether they're creating a groundbreaking knickknack or playing SBVR.
Image Data
Image ID #445
Image Notes
No additional notes given.
Gift? Can be gifted
Trade? Can be traded
Sale? Cannot be sold
Sale Value $0.00
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