Official Data
ID # SB-104
Species SoftBot
Rank Civilian
Rarity NPC
Category Official (SB)
Owner Poltera
Created at: 12 July 2022, 10:04:37 PDT
Last updated: 1 month ago
Character Data
Title Blacklight
Name BlackLight
Age Adult
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns They/Them
Height Fluid
Kingdom No Kingdom
Quote Welcome to SBVR! Enjoy your stay~
Recorded Data A somewhat elusive, enigmatic SoftBot that runs SBVR as an admin and enjoys messing with players. While they greet all new visitors and are generally friendly, they give off a strange vibe... No one can get information on who they are in real life, and they seem to cover their tracks with startling perfection.
Somewhat mischievous.
Image Data
Image ID #234
Image Notes
No additional notes given.
Gift? Cannot be gifted
Trade? Cannot be traded
Sale? Cannot be sold
Sale Value $0.00
This Softbot is off cooldown and can be transferred freely.
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