Official Data
ID # SB-152
Species SoftBot
Rank Civilian
Rarity Exclusive
Category Official (SB)
Created at: 14 July 2022, 08:56:55 PDT
Last updated: 1 year ago
Character Data
Title Shy Recipient
Name May
Age 27
Gender Data Unknown
Pronouns xe/xem/xyr
Height 5'6 / 169 cm
Kingdom Nilgia
Quote "oh, a gift... thanks I guess"
Recorded Data The child of famous patissieres in Anrunwelde, "May" Mayliel is a kind soul who more than often ends up in sticky situations with more than xe bargained for. Known throughout most of Nilgia's provinces as the "stoic carrier", May is popular amongst many of the love-stricken softbots for xyr comforting gaze and mannerisms, which is only offset by xyr foul mouth and high standards for sweets, outright rejecting edible sweets from fans out of expected disgust. They say the fastest way to a bob's heart is through their stomach, but May's so picky that the sweets might never make it that far to begin with.
Image Data
Image ID #349
Image Notes
No additional notes given.
Gift? Can be gifted
Trade? Can be traded
Sale? Can be sold
Sale Value $75.00
This Softbot is off cooldown and can be transferred freely.
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