Official Data
ID # SB-177
Species SoftBot
Rank Civilian
Rarity NPC
Category Official (SB)
Owner Poltera
Created at: 14 July 2022, 10:51:54 PDT
Last updated: 1 month ago
Character Data
Title Lilac Fox
Name Eirwen
Age 29
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Height 5'7''
Kingdom No Kingdom
Quote What're ya buyin'?
Recorded Data The laid-back owner of the monthly shop. Seems irresponsible, but she's very diligent and hard-working, even if she misplaces some things or forgets to update the shop inventory when the month changes. Also very into fashion, and likes to keep up with the latest mod catalogues.
Image Data
Image ID #374
Image Notes
No additional notes given.
Gift? Cannot be gifted
Trade? Cannot be traded
Sale? Cannot be sold
Sale Value $0.00
This Softbot is off cooldown and can be transferred freely.
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