Official Data
ID # SB-196
Species SoftBot
Rank Civilian
Rarity Special
Category Official (SB)
Owner hadou
Ears Animal Ears (Normal)
(Fennec Fox)
Curse (Curse) (Sphinx: Perpetually stuck halfway between human form and feral form.)
Created at: 18 August 2022, 21:44:56 PDT
Last updated: 1 year ago
Character Data
Title Cursed Sphinxbob
Name CLADE 📯
Age Data Unknown
Gender masc
Pronouns he/him
Height smol
Kingdom Shadia
Quote No I totally did this on purpose, I swear.
Recorded Data A NecroNetizen who works with the infamous VANTA_BLACK. He uses the alias Clade to separate this new life from his old, less cursed life as the rich spawn of a CEO. There are many rumors about how he got cursed into his sphinx form, but no one knows for sure... After reconnecting with his brother, he was able to use his skills as a hyped-up con man to aid in his black-market business as his right-hand-man.
Image Data
Image ID #403
Image Notes
No additional notes given.
Gift? Can be gifted
Trade? Can be traded
Sale? Can be sold
Sale Value $150.00
This Softbot is off cooldown and can be transferred freely.
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