Official (SB)SoftBotExclusive ・ "Rosen Master"

Profile SB-219: Soho

Owned by user_
Official Data
ID # SB-219
Species SoftBot
Rank Civilian
Rarity Exclusive
Category Official (SB)
Owner user_
Created at: 27 December 2022, 20:45:56 PST
Last updated: 1 year ago
Character Data
Title Rosen Master
Name Soho
Age Adult
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Height 5'8''
Kingdom Shadia
Quote "A rose as charming as the softbot before me? Mind the thorns sunshine..."
Recorded Data A handsome yet enigmatic man with a fondness of rose flowers. One day he is here and the other day he will disappear without a trace. Wait another 3 years and you will probably see him at your family's shabu-shabu...
Image Data
Image ID #458
Image Notes
No additional notes given.
Gift? Can be gifted
Trade? Can be traded
Sale? Cannot be sold
Sale Value $0.00
This Softbot is off cooldown and can be transferred freely.
