Official (SB)SoftBotSpecial ・ "Lunar Rabbit"

Profile SB-236: Altalune🌙

Owned by hadou
🜛 Altalune 🜛

Often called 'Alta', a professor of astrology at a prestigous polteran school in Dirsia, the best place to see the stars. They've been studying the stars since they were young, and have intertwined it into their entire life thus far, they just fucking love SPACE. They're a mainstay at the school, splitting their time between the university and the gaurdian academy where they teach first-years part time!

🜛 species 🜛
🜛 location 🜛
silrook, dirsia
🜛 occupation 🜛

PERSONA 🜛 Calm, quite and collected but very intelligent! They don't speak much unless they feel the need, and tend to act more as a listener than anything. They love to learn and to teach, and will talk all day about space if you ask them to.

BACKSTORY 🜛 ough this is the hard part, pass for now, donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

APPEARANCE 🜛 During the colder seasons their coat is undertoned in deep blues, but as the weather gets warmer their coat shifts to have red undertones. They're petite, pear-shaped and sport a shimmering coat, highlighted by their yellow blood. Their face is rounded, with heavy-lidded eyes and parted lips revealing a small gap between their front teeth. They have long lopped ears, with golden adornments featuring the symbol for rabbit (they love rabbits!). They're not vain, but they are extremely confident in their appearance... they hot and they kno it.


🪔 Ahra'hyrah
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