Official (SB)SoftBotExclusive ・ "Neon Galaxy"

Profile SB-310: Chimère

Owned by meowfever32

chimere is very silly and peaceful and full of love. they love naps, cuddles, plushies & toys, and pets. zir soft cozy fluffiness keeps zem plenty warm in their chilly home of dirsia, but hot cocoa and a few blankets never hurt anyone :3 hobbies of theirs include arts & crafts, collecting stuff, scrapbook journaling, running around outside and pretending to be able to do parkour, and stargazing. ze aren't the most social or outgoing, but they LOVE those close to them. you can often find zem taking a nap in the snow under the stars with their big puffy tail curled around them. it'd be hard to miss zem, they're so glowy and sparkly!!! 

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