Closed Species by Gakuwalked & @Gothy
Humanoid Form
Avg. Height | 4ft~6ft |
Avg. Weight | 120~160lbs |
Diet | Omnivorous |
Lifespan | 120~200 years |
Long ago, humans colonized the chilly planet of Poltera. With them, they brought biomechanical companions called SoftBots! In current day, humans are extinct, but their creations survived and thrived.
SBs are similar to humans in nature, but their anatomy is quite different! Think of them like advanced computers with some organs and flesh mixed in for good measure!
Feral Form
All SoftBots have at least 2 blood tubes on the body and 2 on the tail symmetrically. They also have to have a mane and a fluffy body! Their faces remain natural skin tones and furless, but their bodies must be furred up to the top of the neck and have at least sparse markings!
All SoftBots have human proportions! This includes their legs.
All have a singular straight horn on their forehead, connected to their inner tubing. As well, they all have cores in the middle of their chest. All tubing, including the horn and eyes, must be the same as the blood colour!
NOTE: There can be no tubing on the neck or connected to the core!
All SoftBots have a drape growing out of their tail, with the material normally being soft fabric.
Fluffy Mammal ears and tails are a must! Normally, like those on Earth.
Lots and lots of fluff! They need it due to Poltera's extremely cold environments!
Common fluff spots are around the neck, forearms, calves, and hips! Though, their fluff can be sleek as well!

Baby SoftBots are just that- newborn SoftBots!! Cute, blind, deaf... pretty dependent on their parents for the first week or two!
SoftBots are unable to assume humanoid form until at least 1 to 2 years of age, and even then it's unstable until they're around 3. They also have very basic, simple versions of their future markings, as well as no drape! Their horns are also always rounded nubs.
Mods are absent, as installing mods on growing babies is considered taboo.
Drapes begin growing in at around 2 years of age.
Learn more about Poltera here!
SoftBots have several different body types!
From left to right: Civilian/Nomad, Guardian, Royalty, Aberration
SoftBots have 3 main ranks: Civilians, Guardians and Royalty.
Civilian SoftBots are the smallest of the bunch, with a rather compact feral form standing at around 1-1.5ft tall, while Guardians can get up to a whopping 4ft tall!
Royal SoftBots have the highest amount of variation, sometimes being as small as a Civilian or bigger than a Guardian!
Guardians are the only ones that can breach the 6ft height limit in humanoid form and can get up into the 7ft range! Their feral forms also tend to be a lot beefier than Civilians or Royalty.
Other than these three, there's also Nomads and Nobles!
You can read more about Guardians, Royalty, and other SoftBot rank variants by clicking the button below:
Learn more about Ranks here!
All SoftBots have a feral form that may or may not come with their adopt. If it doesn't, feel free to design one!
Civilian 'Bots come in many shapes and sizes- even having shorter legs or longer bodies! But they must all be small and a little stout, with stubby snouts.
These are both valid examples of Civilian SoftBot body types!
Specific ranks have specific differences in head shape as well, illustrated below:
Their tubing also shows on their feral forms!
Common spots where tubing and mods appear are highlighted below.
If your SoftBot's humanoid form has tubing around their waist, keep in mind those don't show up in feral form!