Throughout Poltera, nations offer power to those who wish to protect their home. Academies are the pathway to a SoftBot becoming the pillars of their community by protecting the innocent.
SoftBots can enroll into the closest Academy to their home and train to become a Guardian. The road is long and hard for some, not all will be fit in order to protect their homeland's people and Royalty. Those who do make it to the end, they are blessed and are respected to the highest degree.

★'s signify academies in the country's Capital while ⛊'s signify other academies to accommodate those living farther from the Capital.
All of the locations that have academies also have military forts.
You can view further map details here.
Dirisa may be a small country, but their Guardians are extremely devoted. They protect their Queen and all of her people at all costs.
A country prided in trading, Eagragon is the largest import of stardust on Poltera. Their Guardians are entrusted to guard the trading ports fiercely and to keep their stardust fields a secret.
Steeped in tradition, the Guardians of Eisafjoria are completely devoted to their craft. They are the protectors of faith and those of their religion.
Those they serve are notoriously strict, disallowing their Guardians to partake in marriage or even friendship.
Home to the most powerful military on Poltera, the guardians of Gnidaranh are formidable and trained for power.
They are famous for being gladiators against the aberrations that scatter across their land and protectors against the cult that hides within their borders.
Known to be quite docile, the Guardians of Hearlenia are pillars of their community.
They help wherever they can as farms are prominent throughout the country.
In recent years, however, they have had to keep things peaceful between Ligt and the other surrounding nations.
A small nation with hardy Guardians who know their way through the wilderness and swamplands of Hortadia.
They protect their trade routes well.
Arguably the strongest Guardians of any nation, those of Iceveinia are built for endurance against the cold.
The terrain of Ilele is extremely rugged at best, those reside there need to watch their step.
The Guardians here are agile, able to leap high and far in order to traverse the hazardous uneven mountains.
Known for their knowledge, the Guardians of Ligt are highly educated and devoted to their Royalty.
However, in recent years, a new regime has solidified in the wake of a deadly coup, leaving many to follow a vicious new leader.
Now, Guardians are more hostile and readied for war.
Those of Mauland tend to be proud.
With close ties to Hearlenia, the Guardians here are protective of their trade routes and those who do business in the cities.
They also protect their valuable breweries.
Much like those of the Eastern Continent, Newbia has a lot of trade routes and cities as they supply fish for Poltera.
Guardians are friendly here, but wary of outsiders due to Ligt's mounting aggression.
With Poltera's most powerful Navy fleet, Nilgia has Guardians that are extremely well trained in dealing with battle at sea.
They are very well respected by every other nation and are just as feared.
They are however a very friendly community with large overseas trading hubs.
Shadia is one of secrecy, their Guardians trained to be stealthy and ready to assassinate or steal information at a moments notice.
They also tend to be masters of disguise as their stature tends to be smaller than other Guardians in other countries.
Notoriously peaceful, the Guardians of Swanmiria aim to do just that — keep their home peaceful.
Famously friendly, but can dispel any threat that comes their way.
Peacekeepers mainly as they sit between the Gnidaranh Empire and Eisafjoria — two nations who waged a massive war.
If you'd like to upgrade your SoftBot to a Guardian, this is the place! There are no set requirements to enroll them into an Academy, they just have to be ready to work hard for the country they wish to serve! You'll need to select one (1) prompt from each academic year as well as complete the Final Exam and Graduation for a total of 5 prompts.
Once approved and completed, your SoftBot will gain their Guardian Badge and be upgraded on the Masterlist as a Guardian.
Prompts require a background and your SoftBot 75% in view. Shading is not required. Written entries must be at least 500 words. Once complete, submit to the #prompts channel in the Discord and title it what prompt it is! You will recieve 10 BotCoin each prompt for your efforts as well.
first year
First year in Academy is all about building strength and endurance! Prompts are all about showing how your SoftBot goes through hard training and how they cope with the hardship. Choose one of these prompts for the first year!
physical fitness drills
Every SoftBot looking to become a Guardian has to do lots of extensive fitness training! Show your enrolled SoftBot running or doing basic exercises like pushups or pullups!
Sparring is an important part of a fledgling Guardian's training as it readies them for potential threat when protecting their future charge. Often, trainees are assigned a partner, or they can opt for an AI training dummy to spar against.
What option does your SoftBot choose? Keep in mind a non-AI partner has to be a SoftBot also in the academy!
fetch quest
One thing first year students have to take part in is assisting their superiors.
Show your SoftBot helping retrieve papers or maybe pens for a professor they've been assigned to help.
second year
Second year of academy is all about studying. This will prepare SoftBots for the coming third year as well as teach them skills to take care of their future charge.
shadowing a guardian
It's important for those in the academy to get to see what it's like actually on the job. Draw or write about your SoftBot shadowing an actual Guardian!
(Ask those with Guardians if you can have them in your prompts!)
lectures, theories and studying, oh my!
Things start ramping up for Guardian trainees in their second year, which means a lot of theory and hitting the books as opposed to last year's focus on physical exertion.
Does your SoftBot ace these lectures and tests, or do they flounder and need to join a study group with fellow peers?
...Or maybe they just slack and skate by as they've never been too bothered with textbooks?
Cooking Class
While most think the main focus of a Guardian is keeping their charge protected, they also must be trained to provide. This means cooking and home ec classes!
Show your SoftBot learning to bake, cook up a stew, or maybe cleaning up after a meal well made for their class!
third year
Third year is the hardest by far as SoftBots must learn the intricacies of magic as well as come face-to-face with a SoftBots worst fear. This will harden them further and get them ready for the final exam.
magic choice
Every third year Guardian trainee picks a magic affinity to learn and practice. What affinity does yours choose? Every Kingdom specializes in one affinity based on their terrain, but Guardian trainees are free to choose from the elements of fire, water, wind or earth.
Choose a specialty magic as the main as well as a lesser magic from the four elements.
You can find more information on each individual type of magic through the encyclopedia page HERE!
Dirsia: Ice & Gravity
Eagragon: Arcane & Crystal
Eisafjoria: Light & Barrier
Gnidaranh: Metal & Strength
Hearlenia: Light & Nature
Hortadia: Fauna & Levitate
Icevenia: Ice & Storm
Ilele: Nature & Earth
Ligt: Fire & Speed
Mauland: Nature & Cure
Newbia: Arcane & Fauna
Nilgia: Water & Wind
Shadia: Dark & Poison
Swanmiria: Nature & Cure
Weslia: Lightning & Wind
Make sure to mention what elements you're choosing in your prompt submission comment field!
magic struggles
Magic has a steep learning curve for most SoftBots other than royalty! Anyone's bound to blunder a few times while trying to control it, too.
Does your SoftBot accidentally set fire to another's uniform while practicing on a dummy?
Do they soak the entire training hall when they meant to send a small pressured shot of water magic at a target?
Show your SoftBot learning the ropes of magic!
Aberration meeting
While most hope they never have to, it's not uncommon for Guardians to have to eventually protect their Noble or Royal charge from a wild Aberration.
Around the end of their final year, all trainee Guardians are shown a safely contained Aberration owned by their academy and must study them and their weaknesses in preparation for their final test: a battle against a collared one.
Show your Guardian trainee first coming face to face with one of the creatures that society fears so much!
final exam
Now that your SoftBot has been shown an aberration and knows its weaknesses, it's time for a battle between them!
Show your SoftBot triumphing over the academy's contained Aberration in battle.
Your SoftBot has finally made it to the end! How do you choose to show them in their now Guardian form?
the blessing
Now that your SoftBot has graduated, it's time for them to undertake their blessing! Show your new Guardian being blessed.
A blessing is sort of like a tattoo but with magic properties, and it's always placed on the back of the neck.
as a guardian
Draw your SoftBot in their new Guardian form!
How do they celebrate their new status? Maybe they have a small party with family and friends or perhaps eat their fill at their favorite restaurant?
Either way, they definitely deserve some sort of celebration!