Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-261
SoftBotExclusive ・ Raspberry Iced Tea ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-257
SoftBotExclusive ・ WHERE'S YOUR RAGE ・ Hero
Thumbnail for SB-254
SoftBotExclusive ・ Sparkling Blue ・ Gakuwalked
Thumbnail for SB-239: Dimitre
SoftBotExclusive ・ Liminal Lavender ・ Radio_Boi
Thumbnail for SB-118
SoftBotExclusive ・ Windows to the Soul ・ ashenpines
Thumbnail for SB-086
SoftBotExclusive ・ SeaSalt Popsicle ・ Greaserparty
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
CaptainTigglesworth SB-367: Kiriel Exclusive SoftBot Deep Sea Kelpie 17 May 2024, 18:57:15 PDT
SkeleTelestic SB-354: Urmas Exclusive SoftBot None 10 April 2024, 18:28:57 PDT
caelis SB-352: The Entity Exclusive SoftBot Entity 2 April 2024, 16:24:37 PDT
honeycharme SB-349: Yukito 🌸 Exclusive SoftBot Cherry Hero 22 March 2024, 22:22:39 PDT
Gakuwalked SB-338: Ein Exclusive SoftBot Winged Viper 19 January 2024, 20:02:48 PST
Cryptid_bunz SB-299: Succa 👁‍🗨🩸💥 Exclusive SoftBot Black Shuck 15 October 2023, 07:10:27 PDT
SweetestBelial SB-297: White Chocolate Mocha Exclusive SoftBot Fresno Nightcrawler 15 October 2023, 06:55:20 PDT
SkeleTelestic SB-280: Tsereg Exclusive SoftBot Creamy Jackrabbit 19 August 2023, 17:15:55 PDT
NeonMace SB-261 Exclusive SoftBot Raspberry Iced Tea 5 July 2023, 03:36:19 PDT
Hero SB-257 Exclusive SoftBot WHERE'S YOUR RAGE 16 June 2023, 16:05:34 PDT
Gakuwalked SB-254 Exclusive SoftBot Sparkling Blue 16 June 2023, 15:30:27 PDT
Radio_Boi SB-239: Dimitre Exclusive SoftBot Liminal Lavender 20 April 2023, 17:28:33 PDT
honeycharme SB-210: Athos 🗨 Exclusive SoftBot Eyes in the Darkness 2 November 2022, 01:03:09 PDT
wyrmbloods MYOSB-182: Asim Exclusive SoftBot None 12 July 2022, 22:57:50 PDT
Cuervito MYOSB-174: Anthrodynia Exclusive SoftBot Jellyfish Embrace 16 June 2023, 18:09:55 PDT
Poltera SB-167: Pip Exclusive SoftBot NPC 14 July 2022, 10:07:29 PDT
soracell SB-160 Exclusive SoftBot Sea Pancake 14 July 2022, 09:37:56 PDT
ghostaris SB-157: Umbra Exclusive SoftBot Dark Side of the Moon 14 July 2022, 09:24:04 PDT
luparoca MYOSB-143: Polaris Normal SoftBot None 12 July 2022, 21:01:30 PDT
ochacake SB-137: Halcyon Exclusive SoftBot None 13 July 2022, 10:56:43 PDT
ashenpines SB-118 Exclusive SoftBot Windows to the Soul 13 July 2022, 08:32:01 PDT
intrepidloves SB-109: Mikhail Vampyric SoftBot Old Blood 13 July 2022, 07:34:40 PDT
Poltera SB-104: BlackLight Exclusive SoftBot SBVR NPC 12 July 2022, 10:04:37 PDT
Greaserparty SB-086 Exclusive SoftBot SeaSalt Popsicle 11 July 2022, 13:31:32 PDT
26 results found.