Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-369
SoftBotNormal ・ Magic Star ・ PuppyPlush
Thumbnail for SB-365
SoftBotExclusive ・ Churning Tides ・ subicoru
Thumbnail for SB-361
SoftBotSpecial ・ Forest Snake ・ scarserenade
Thumbnail for SB-357
SoftBotExclusive ・ Earthy Rose ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-353
SoftBotExclusive ・ Early Morning Saturn ・ intrepidloves
Thumbnail for SB-351
SoftBotSpecial ・ Just Blooming ・ JACKRIPPER
Thumbnail for SB-350: Skipz
SoftBotSpecial ・ Sneaking Debuff ・ Amakai
Thumbnail for SB-347
SoftBotSpecial ・ Cloaked Fox ・ Shinxi
Thumbnail for SB-322
SoftBotNormal ・ Gold Whisps ・ Corn
Thumbnail for SB-318
SoftBotSpecial ・ Soft Manta ・ Shinxi
Thumbnail for SB-307
SoftBotSpecial ・ Moonlit Tiger ・ ashenpines
Thumbnail for SB-284: Soren
SoftBotNormal ・ Cinnamon Pumpkin Pie ・ ochacake
Thumbnail for SB-283
SoftBotSpecial ・ Pumpkin Soup ・ Cryptid_bunz
Thumbnail for SB-278: Tiernan
SoftBotExclusive ・ Corn on the KodKod ・ luparoca
Thumbnail for SB-276: Sherbet
SoftBotSpecial ・ Pastel Morning Cloud ・ saturn
Thumbnail for SB-272: Orb
SoftBotSpecial ・ Aiub Fan ・ Canta
Thumbnail for SB-268: Yuri
SoftBotSpecial ・ Black Flower ・ Wyvernblood
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
PuppyPlush SB-369 Normal SoftBot Magic Star 11 June 2024, 15:22:26 PDT
subicoru SB-365 Exclusive SoftBot Churning Tides 17 May 2024, 18:42:01 PDT
scarserenade SB-361 Special SoftBot Forest Snake 29 April 2024, 16:37:58 PDT
NeonMace SB-357 Exclusive SoftBot Earthy Rose 15 April 2024, 15:14:18 PDT
intrepidloves SB-353 Exclusive SoftBot Early Morning Saturn 10 April 2024, 18:23:24 PDT
JACKRIPPER SB-351 Special SoftBot Just Blooming 1 April 2024, 14:34:06 PDT
Amakai SB-350: Skipz Special SoftBot Sneaking Debuff 1 April 2024, 00:28:59 PDT
Shinxi SB-347 Special SoftBot Cloaked Fox 4 March 2024, 20:45:51 PST
SweetestBelial SB-336: Valentine Special SoftBot Sweater of Love 15 January 2024, 10:14:07 PST
NeonMace SB-333 Exclusive SoftBot Pastel Princess 13 January 2024, 20:26:48 PST
JACKRIPPER SB-331: ✧ VIX Special SoftBot None 1 January 2024, 18:32:50 PST
8MW@TH SB-329 Special SoftBot Yaki Imo 29 December 2023, 00:25:21 PST
Corn SB-322 Normal SoftBot Gold Whisps 19 December 2023, 12:32:50 PST
Shinxi SB-318 Special SoftBot Soft Manta 17 December 2023, 11:30:25 PST
ashenpines SB-307 Special SoftBot Moonlit Tiger 4 November 2023, 14:58:25 PDT
ghostaris SB-305: Vetis Special SoftBot Zenith 1 November 2023, 19:04:27 PDT
ochacake SB-291: Auberon/Evania Special SoftBot First Frost 1 October 2023, 21:52:24 PDT
CaptainTigglesworth SB-290: Caoimhín Special SoftBot Rainbow Unicorn 1 October 2023, 21:47:30 PDT
ochacake SB-284: Soren Normal SoftBot Cinnamon Pumpkin Pie 24 September 2023, 07:14:44 PDT
Cryptid_bunz SB-283 Special SoftBot Pumpkin Soup 24 September 2023, 07:06:43 PDT
luparoca SB-278: Tiernan Exclusive SoftBot Corn on the KodKod 13 August 2023, 17:12:38 PDT
saturn SB-276: Sherbet Special SoftBot Pastel Morning Cloud 10 August 2023, 05:52:23 PDT
Canta SB-272: Orb Special SoftBot Aiub Fan 9 August 2023, 01:04:52 PDT
Wyvernblood SB-268: Yuri Special SoftBot Black Flower 10 July 2023, 16:37:32 PDT
148 results found.