Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-364
SoftBotSpecial ・ Coastal Twilight ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-363: Miroku
SoftBotNormal ・ Galactic Comet ・ Amakai
Thumbnail for SB-360: Flo
SoftBotNormal ・ Sunset Sunrise ・ Pastalli_the_Pasta
Thumbnail for SB-359: Dandy
SoftBotSpecial ・ Frosty Diamant ・ Keishumi
Thumbnail for SB-358
SoftBotSpecial ・ Silver Wings ・ Canta
Thumbnail for SB-348
SoftBotExclusive ・ Harvest Seraph ・ Canta
Thumbnail for SB-339
SoftBotSpecial ・ Dangerous Rose ・ intrepidloves
Thumbnail for SB-334
SoftBotSpecial ・ Red Waves ・ honeycharme
Thumbnail for SB-332: ONYX
SoftBotExclusive ・ Hollow Entity ・ Ryrys
Thumbnail for SB-330
SoftBotNormal ・ New Years ・ Soushegg
Thumbnail for SB-325
SoftBotSpecial ・ Golden Spade ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-324: Draven
SoftBotVampyric ・ Gilded Scales ・ ghostaris
Thumbnail for SB-323
SoftBotExclusive ・ Cunning Abyss ・ Gakuwalked
Thumbnail for SB-320: Stellaris
SoftBotSpecial ・ Feathered Gold ・ Wyvernblood
Thumbnail for SB-317: SYNDICATE
SoftBotSpecial ・ Dragon Nomad ・ Ryrys
Thumbnail for SB-311: Shepherd
SoftBotSpecial ・ Galactic Protector ・ DoDokie
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
crypticwonderland SB-368: Fenmore Special SoftBot Blood Night 9 June 2024, 12:07:35 PDT
NeonMace SB-364 Special SoftBot Coastal Twilight 17 May 2024, 18:35:35 PDT
Amakai SB-363: Miroku Normal SoftBot Galactic Comet 9 May 2024, 13:46:32 PDT
Pastalli_the_Pasta SB-360: Flo Normal SoftBot Sunset Sunrise 26 April 2024, 19:49:53 PDT
Keishumi SB-359: Dandy Special SoftBot Frosty Diamant 26 April 2024, 15:03:09 PDT
Canta SB-358 Special SoftBot Silver Wings 21 April 2024, 21:12:03 PDT
ghostaris SB-356: Nioi Exclusive SoftBot Yel 14 April 2024, 10:36:32 PDT
Canta SB-348 Exclusive SoftBot Harvest Seraph 4 March 2024, 20:52:08 PST
Criilock SB-346: Altair | The Prince of the Stars Special SoftBot Sparks N’ Stars 3 March 2024, 17:52:10 PST
Wyvernblood SB-344: Tsubaki Exclusive SoftBot Cherry Tree 28 February 2024, 12:11:27 PST
Yams SB-342: Adhara Exclusive SoftBot Out There 25 February 2024, 10:46:24 PST
subicoru SB-341: Lily Exclusive SoftBot Dark Child 14 February 2024, 19:04:32 PST
intrepidloves SB-339 Special SoftBot Dangerous Rose 1 February 2024, 00:14:28 PST
DivineSeraph SB-337: Kirito Special SoftBot Sky's Wings 19 January 2024, 12:43:22 PST
honeycharme SB-334 Special SoftBot Red Waves 13 January 2024, 22:10:19 PST
Ryrys SB-332: ONYX Exclusive SoftBot Hollow Entity 8 January 2024, 11:56:36 PST
Soushegg SB-330 Normal SoftBot New Years 1 January 2024, 13:25:43 PST
NeonMace SB-325 Special SoftBot Golden Spade 21 December 2023, 12:13:16 PST
ghostaris SB-324: Draven Vampyric SoftBot Gilded Scales 19 December 2023, 12:55:20 PST
Gakuwalked SB-323 Exclusive SoftBot Cunning Abyss 19 December 2023, 12:41:44 PST
Wyvernblood SB-320: Stellaris Special SoftBot Feathered Gold 19 December 2023, 11:59:17 PST
Ryrys SB-317: SYNDICATE Special SoftBot Dragon Nomad 15 December 2023, 13:56:20 PST
crypticwonderland SB-314: Orin Exclusive SoftBot Misty Rosettes 12 December 2023, 14:38:16 PST
DoDokie SB-311: Shepherd Special SoftBot Galactic Protector 10 November 2023, 15:59:30 PST
278 results found.