Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-358
SoftBotSpecial ・ Silver Wings ・ Canta
Thumbnail for SB-357
SoftBotExclusive ・ Earthy Rose ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-348
SoftBotExclusive ・ Harvest Seraph ・ Canta
Thumbnail for SB-341: Lily
SoftBotExclusive ・ Dark Child ・ subicoru
Thumbnail for SB-340: Xis
SoftBotExclusive ・ Ancient Power ・ Gakuwalked
Thumbnail for SB-333
SoftBotExclusive ・ Pastel Princess ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-332: ONYX
SoftBotExclusive ・ Hollow Entity ・ Ryrys
Thumbnail for SB-330
SoftBotNormal ・ New Years ・ Soushegg
Thumbnail for SB-329
SoftBotSpecial ・ Yaki Imo ・ 8MW@TH
Thumbnail for SB-317: SYNDICATE
SoftBotSpecial ・ Dragon Nomad ・ Ryrys
Thumbnail for SB-313
SoftBotExclusive ・ Shadow in The Mist ・ honeycharme
Thumbnail for SB-312: Cassius
SoftBotVampyric ・ Bitter Licorice ・ ghostaris
Thumbnail for SB-311: Shepherd
SoftBotSpecial ・ Galactic Protector ・ DoDokie
Thumbnail for SB-304
SoftBotVampyric ・ Silver Bullet ・ honeycharme
Thumbnail for SB-295: Oka
SoftBotSpecial ・ Moon Jump ・ de-ri
Thumbnail for SB-289
SoftBotExclusive ・ Lucid Nightmare ・ mantisgrimoire
Thumbnail for SB-285: Ender
SoftBotSpecial ・ Ghostly Breeze ・ ghostaris
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
Canta SB-358 Special SoftBot Silver Wings 21 April 2024, 21:12:03 PDT
NeonMace SB-357 Exclusive SoftBot Earthy Rose 15 April 2024, 15:14:18 PDT
honeycharme SB-349: Yukito 🌸 Exclusive SoftBot Cherry Hero 22 March 2024, 22:22:39 PDT
Canta SB-348 Exclusive SoftBot Harvest Seraph 4 March 2024, 20:52:08 PST
Wyvernblood SB-344: Tsubaki Exclusive SoftBot Cherry Tree 28 February 2024, 12:11:27 PST
subicoru SB-341: Lily Exclusive SoftBot Dark Child 14 February 2024, 19:04:32 PST
Gakuwalked SB-340: Xis Exclusive SoftBot Ancient Power 8 February 2024, 18:34:25 PST
NeonMace SB-333 Exclusive SoftBot Pastel Princess 13 January 2024, 20:26:48 PST
Ryrys SB-332: ONYX Exclusive SoftBot Hollow Entity 8 January 2024, 11:56:36 PST
Soushegg SB-330 Normal SoftBot New Years 1 January 2024, 13:25:43 PST
8MW@TH SB-329 Special SoftBot Yaki Imo 29 December 2023, 00:25:21 PST
Ryrys SB-317: SYNDICATE Special SoftBot Dragon Nomad 15 December 2023, 13:56:20 PST
honeycharme SB-313 Exclusive SoftBot Shadow in The Mist 27 November 2023, 16:15:32 PST
ghostaris SB-312: Cassius Vampyric SoftBot Bitter Licorice 22 November 2023, 18:39:32 PST
DoDokie SB-311: Shepherd Special SoftBot Galactic Protector 10 November 2023, 15:59:30 PST
honeycharme SB-304 Vampyric SoftBot Silver Bullet 1 November 2023, 18:55:36 PDT
de-ri SB-295: Oka Special SoftBot Moon Jump 1 October 2023, 21:28:30 PDT
ochacake SB-291: Auberon/Evania Special SoftBot First Frost 1 October 2023, 21:52:24 PDT
mantisgrimoire SB-289 Exclusive SoftBot Lucid Nightmare 1 October 2023, 21:42:25 PDT
ghostaris SB-285: Ender Special SoftBot Ghostly Breeze 24 September 2023, 07:22:40 PDT
crypticwonderland MYOSB-281: Anathea Special SoftBot None 28 May 2024, 18:36:16 PDT
luparoca SB-278: Tiernan Exclusive SoftBot Corn on the KodKod 13 August 2023, 17:12:38 PDT
LittleBlackRoses SB-262: Roxana Thebe Exclusive SoftBot Golden Astrolabe 5 July 2023, 03:45:25 PDT
Hero SB-257 Exclusive SoftBot WHERE'S YOUR RAGE 16 June 2023, 16:05:34 PDT
82 results found.