Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-357
SoftBotExclusive ・ Earthy Rose ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-311: Shepherd
SoftBotSpecial ・ Galactic Protector ・ DoDokie
Thumbnail for SB-270: Peregrine
SoftBotNormal ・ Mottled Gold ・ luparoca
Thumbnail for SB-269: ✧ DEIMOS
SoftBotSpecial ・ Chimeric Flames ・ JACKRIPPER
Thumbnail for SB-268: Yuri
SoftBotSpecial ・ Black Flower ・ Wyvernblood
Thumbnail for SB-267
SoftBotSpecial ・ Waves On Dream Shore ・ Shinxi
Thumbnail for SB-221: Sonder
SoftBotSpecial ・ Early Morning Shimmer ・ luparoca
Thumbnail for SB-210: Athos 🗨
SoftBotExclusive ・ Eyes in the Darkness ・ honeycharme
Thumbnail for SB-202
SoftBotSpecial ・ Sparkling Squid ・ Hero
Thumbnail for SB-196: CLADE 📯
SoftBotSpecial ・ Cursed Sphinxbob ・ hadou
Thumbnail for SB-179
SoftBotNormal ・ Sucker for You ・ luparoca
Thumbnail for SB-174
SoftBotSpecial ・ Worm Off the String ・ AlphaNerd@TH
Thumbnail for MYOSB-174: Anthrodynia
SoftBotExclusive ・ Jellyfish Embrace ・ Cuervito
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
NeonMace SB-357 Exclusive SoftBot Earthy Rose 15 April 2024, 15:14:18 PDT
ghostaris SB-316: Anya Exclusive SoftBot The Cloud 13 December 2023, 19:05:41 PST
DoDokie SB-311: Shepherd Special SoftBot Galactic Protector 10 November 2023, 15:59:30 PST
ghostaris SB-305: Vetis Special SoftBot Zenith 1 November 2023, 19:04:27 PDT
luparoca SB-270: Peregrine Normal SoftBot Mottled Gold 12 July 2023, 10:45:08 PDT
JACKRIPPER SB-269: ✧ DEIMOS Special SoftBot Chimeric Flames 11 July 2023, 12:44:26 PDT
Wyvernblood SB-268: Yuri Special SoftBot Black Flower 10 July 2023, 16:37:32 PDT
Shinxi SB-267 Special SoftBot Waves On Dream Shore 10 July 2023, 15:45:41 PDT
ghostaris SB-266: Nemira Special SoftBot Cloudy Pastels 7 July 2023, 23:58:42 PDT
Tinydancersss MYOSB-265: Kyū 🔥 Normal SoftBot Kintsugi Kitsune 17 January 2024, 13:40:45 PST
InnocentButterfly SB-265: Tide Oovenhaul Special SoftBot Arctic Tide 7 July 2023, 20:55:29 PDT
LittleBlackRoses SB-262: Roxana Thebe Exclusive SoftBot Golden Astrolabe 5 July 2023, 03:45:25 PDT
LittleBlackRoses SB-260: Hoshi Vespara Special SoftBot Golden Nebula 5 July 2023, 03:23:52 PDT
Wyvernblood SB-259: Malachite Exclusive SoftBot Melancholic Waves 16 June 2023, 16:25:10 PDT
Cuervito SB-252: Silience Exclusive SoftBot None 16 June 2023, 15:16:05 PDT
FuchsiaPlume SB-250: Tourmaline Special SoftBot Lime Alien 16 June 2023, 14:56:38 PDT
luparoca SB-221: Sonder Special SoftBot Early Morning Shimmer 27 December 2022, 21:30:27 PST
honeycharme SB-210: Athos 🗨 Exclusive SoftBot Eyes in the Darkness 2 November 2022, 01:03:09 PDT
Hero SB-202 Special SoftBot Sparkling Squid 16 September 2022, 16:02:42 PDT
Canta MYOSB-198: Miro Exclusive SoftBot Dark Sun 1 October 2023, 22:20:12 PDT
hadou SB-196: CLADE 📯 Special SoftBot Cursed Sphinxbob 18 August 2022, 21:44:56 PDT
luparoca SB-179 Normal SoftBot Sucker for You 14 July 2022, 11:02:57 PDT
AlphaNerd@TH SB-174 Special SoftBot Worm Off the String 14 July 2022, 10:38:34 PDT
Cuervito MYOSB-174: Anthrodynia Exclusive SoftBot Jellyfish Embrace 16 June 2023, 18:09:55 PDT
39 results found.