Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-342: Adhara
SoftBotExclusive ・ Out There ・ Yams
Thumbnail for SB-340: Xis
SoftBotExclusive ・ Ancient Power ・ Gakuwalked
Thumbnail for SB-309: Taios
SoftBotExclusive ・ Rugged Wolf ・ ghostaris
Thumbnail for SB-293
SoftBotExclusive ・ Unicorn of The Sea ・ ashenpines
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
Yams SB-342: Adhara Exclusive SoftBot Out There 25 February 2024, 10:46:24 PST
Gakuwalked SB-340: Xis Exclusive SoftBot Ancient Power 8 February 2024, 18:34:25 PST
ghostaris SB-309: Taios Exclusive SoftBot Rugged Wolf 6 November 2023, 11:42:32 PST
ashenpines SB-293 Exclusive SoftBot Unicorn of The Sea 1 October 2023, 22:01:05 PDT
Gakuwalked SB-277: Keva Special SoftBot Chained Beast 13 August 2023, 17:02:24 PDT
saturn SB-276: Sherbet Special SoftBot Pastel Morning Cloud 10 August 2023, 05:52:23 PDT
Slothdraco13 MYOSB-255: Lure Exclusive SoftBot Immortalized Memories 30 November 2023, 18:13:24 PST
Criilock MYOSB-211: Medianoche Special SoftBot None 15 March 2023, 22:06:50 PDT
8 results found.