Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-306
SoftBotSpecial ・ Dawn of a New Day ・ honeycharme
Thumbnail for SB-300
SoftBotExclusive ・ Jersey Devil ・ honeycharme
Thumbnail for SB-295: Oka
SoftBotSpecial ・ Moon Jump ・ de-ri
Thumbnail for SB-292: Momo
SoftBotSpecial ・ Fresh Peaces ・ FuchsiaPlume
Thumbnail for SB-286: Kulta
SoftBotSpecial ・ Candied Apple ・ caelis
Thumbnail for MYOSB-285
SoftBotSpecial ・ Retro Star ・ Canta
Thumbnail for SB-285: Ender
SoftBotSpecial ・ Ghostly Breeze ・ ghostaris
Thumbnail for SB-282
SoftBotSpecial ・ Turkey Havoc!! ・ 8MW@TH
Thumbnail for SB-281: Aquarius
SoftBotSpecial ・ Plastic Beach ・ saturn
Thumbnail for SB-279: Drake
SoftBotSpecial ・ Purple Punk ・ Amakai
Thumbnail for SB-273: Kuiper
SoftBotNormal ・ Astral Mobile ・ ghostaris
Thumbnail for SB-271: Revo
SoftBotSpecial ・ Werevamp Wannabe ・ Wyvernblood
Thumbnail for SB-270: Peregrine
SoftBotNormal ・ Mottled Gold ・ luparoca
Thumbnail for SB-269: ✧ DEIMOS
SoftBotSpecial ・ Chimeric Flames ・ JACKRIPPER
Thumbnail for SB-267
SoftBotSpecial ・ Waves On Dream Shore ・ Shinxi
Thumbnail for SB-266: Nemira
SoftBotSpecial ・ Cloudy Pastels ・ ghostaris
Thumbnail for SB-264: Konpeito
SoftBotSpecial ・ Shooting Konpeito ・ SweetestBelial
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
honeycharme SB-306 Special SoftBot Dawn of a New Day 1 November 2023, 19:09:43 PDT
honeycharme SB-300 Exclusive SoftBot Jersey Devil 15 October 2023, 07:19:44 PDT
Yams SB-296: Liminal Special SoftBot HATMAN 15 October 2023, 06:46:21 PDT
de-ri SB-295: Oka Special SoftBot Moon Jump 1 October 2023, 21:28:30 PDT
FuchsiaPlume SB-292: Momo Special SoftBot Fresh Peaces 1 October 2023, 21:56:45 PDT
caelis SB-286: Kulta Special SoftBot Candied Apple 24 September 2023, 07:28:21 PDT
Canta MYOSB-285 Special SoftBot Retro Star 10 June 2024, 23:14:17 PDT
ghostaris SB-285: Ender Special SoftBot Ghostly Breeze 24 September 2023, 07:22:40 PDT
8MW@TH SB-282 Special SoftBot Turkey Havoc!! 24 September 2023, 06:54:07 PDT
saturn SB-281: Aquarius Special SoftBot Plastic Beach 1 September 2023, 11:19:36 PDT
SkeleTelestic MYOSB-280 Exclusive SoftBot Sheep 27 May 2024, 13:05:34 PDT
Amakai SB-279: Drake Special SoftBot Purple Punk 19 August 2023, 17:13:54 PDT
crypticwonderland MYOSB-279: Sotirios Normal SoftBot None 16 May 2024, 23:11:43 PDT
Gakuwalked SB-277: Keva Special SoftBot Chained Beast 13 August 2023, 17:02:24 PDT
de-ri SB-275 Special SoftBot 90s Sweetheart 10 August 2023, 05:48:16 PDT
Tinydancersss MYOSB-274: Prince🔅 Exclusive SoftBot Ruler Of My Heart 19 March 2024, 11:42:30 PDT
Tinydancersss SB-274: Carina🌸 Exclusive SoftBot Grapefruit Swirl 9 August 2023, 01:32:58 PDT
ghostaris SB-273: Kuiper Normal SoftBot Astral Mobile 9 August 2023, 01:08:42 PDT
Wyvernblood SB-271: Revo Special SoftBot Werevamp Wannabe 2 August 2023, 04:20:41 PDT
luparoca SB-270: Peregrine Normal SoftBot Mottled Gold 12 July 2023, 10:45:08 PDT
JACKRIPPER SB-269: ✧ DEIMOS Special SoftBot Chimeric Flames 11 July 2023, 12:44:26 PDT
Shinxi SB-267 Special SoftBot Waves On Dream Shore 10 July 2023, 15:45:41 PDT
ghostaris SB-266: Nemira Special SoftBot Cloudy Pastels 7 July 2023, 23:58:42 PDT
SweetestBelial SB-264: Konpeito Special SoftBot Shooting Konpeito 7 July 2023, 20:53:09 PDT
278 results found.