Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-119
SoftBotNormal ・ Apple of My Eye ・ CryptidPierre@TH
Thumbnail for SB-118
SoftBotExclusive ・ Windows to the Soul ・ ashenpines
Thumbnail for SB-116
SoftBotExclusive ・ Draconic Hexes ・ reefshark@TH
Thumbnail for SB-115
SoftBotSpecial ・ Gaze of the Wolf ・ ashenpines
Thumbnail for SB-114
SoftBotSpecial ・ Solar Storm ・ atollvik
Thumbnail for SB-105
SoftBotSpecial ・ Innocent Devotee ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-068: Sinistar
SoftBotExclusive ・ Retro Floral Shoppe ・ PLAGUEHOWDY
Thumbnail for SB-008
SoftBotSpecial ・ Oranges and Cherry Blossoms ・ subicoru
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
CryptidPierre@TH SB-119 Normal SoftBot Apple of My Eye 13 July 2022, 08:36:02 PDT
ashenpines SB-118 Exclusive SoftBot Windows to the Soul 13 July 2022, 08:32:01 PDT
luparoca SB-117: Titania Exclusive SoftBot Eggnog'd 13 July 2022, 08:28:31 PDT
reefshark@TH SB-116 Exclusive SoftBot Draconic Hexes 13 July 2022, 08:24:23 PDT
ashenpines SB-115 Special SoftBot Gaze of the Wolf 13 July 2022, 08:21:03 PDT
atollvik SB-114 Special SoftBot Solar Storm 13 July 2022, 08:17:35 PDT
E_Consti MYOSB-110 Normal SoftBot None 11 July 2022, 19:06:55 PDT
NeonMace SB-105 Special SoftBot Innocent Devotee 12 July 2022, 10:08:07 PDT
AlphaNerd@TH MYOSB-072 Normal SoftBot None 10 July 2022, 22:27:10 PDT
PLAGUEHOWDY SB-068: Sinistar Exclusive SoftBot Retro Floral Shoppe 10 July 2022, 09:19:08 PDT
subicoru SB-008 Special SoftBot Oranges and Cherry Blossoms 6 July 2022, 08:41:41 PDT
35 results found.