Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-029
SoftBotSpecial ・ Thin Ice ・ Shinxi
Thumbnail for SB-028
SoftBotNormal ・ A Basket of Raspberries ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for MYOSB-028: Velvel
SoftBotExclusive ・ Lunar Eclipse ・ luparoca
Thumbnail for SB-027
SoftBotNormal ・ Summer Shade ・ ashenpines
Thumbnail for SB-026: Cheri
SoftBotNormal ・ Petals in the River ・ Gakuwalked
Thumbnail for SB-025: Valor💫
SoftBotNormal ・ Blooming Cactus ・ Tinydancersss
Thumbnail for SB-022
SoftBotSpecial ・ By the Seaside ・ Shinxi
Thumbnail for SB-021: Amor
SoftBotNormal ・ Amongst the Roses ・ cinebat
Thumbnail for SB-020
SoftBotSpecial ・ Comfort & Coffee ・ Celefu@TH
Thumbnail for SB-019: Amira
SoftBotNormal ・ Tracks in the Snow ・ Radio_Boi
Thumbnail for SB-018
SoftBotNormal ・ Hidden in the Leaves ・ AriaPsiana389
Thumbnail for SB-016
SoftBotNormal ・ Autumn Litter ・ wolfbites@TH
Thumbnail for SB-014
SoftBotSpecial ・ New Year's Luck ・ etto@TH
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
Shinxi SB-029 Special SoftBot Thin Ice 7 July 2022, 10:53:58 PDT
sianea MYOSB-029: Jung'su Exclusive SoftBot Stargazer 10 July 2022, 00:03:13 PDT
NeonMace SB-028 Normal SoftBot A Basket of Raspberries 7 July 2022, 10:49:30 PDT
luparoca MYOSB-028: Velvel Exclusive SoftBot Lunar Eclipse 9 July 2022, 23:38:52 PDT
ashenpines SB-027 Normal SoftBot Summer Shade 7 July 2022, 10:45:55 PDT
WilyBeast MYOSB-027 Exclusive SoftBot None 9 July 2022, 23:15:01 PDT
Gakuwalked SB-026: Cheri Normal SoftBot Petals in the River 7 July 2022, 10:41:48 PDT
Tinydancersss SB-025: Valor💫 Normal SoftBot Blooming Cactus 7 July 2022, 10:36:46 PDT
cinebat SB-024: Khio Normal SoftBot Everest Snow 7 July 2022, 10:29:51 PDT
Keishumi MYOSB-023: Carnation Normal SoftBot None 6 July 2022, 14:35:17 PDT
ashenpines SB-023 Special SoftBot Midnight Clouds 7 July 2022, 10:25:33 PDT
WilyBeast MYOSB-022 Special SoftBot None 6 July 2022, 14:08:26 PDT
Shinxi SB-022 Special SoftBot By the Seaside 7 July 2022, 10:20:53 PDT
GuoWu@TH MYOSB-021 Special SoftBot None 6 July 2022, 14:00:23 PDT
cinebat SB-021: Amor Normal SoftBot Amongst the Roses 7 July 2022, 10:17:14 PDT
Celefu@TH SB-020 Special SoftBot Comfort & Coffee 7 July 2022, 10:13:09 PDT
Radio_Boi SB-019: Amira Normal SoftBot Tracks in the Snow 7 July 2022, 10:08:49 PDT
AriaPsiana389 SB-018 Normal SoftBot Hidden in the Leaves 6 July 2022, 09:51:12 PDT
Trowa@TH MYOSB-018 Special SoftBot None 6 July 2022, 13:47:19 PDT
hadou SB-017: SITIRI🎆 Exclusive SoftBot White Birch 6 July 2022, 09:46:02 PDT
wolfbites@TH SB-016 Normal SoftBot Autumn Litter 6 July 2022, 09:41:27 PDT
ochacake SB-015: Edelweiss/Fionn Exclusive SoftBot Winter Pastels 6 July 2022, 09:36:13 PDT
Ibis@TH MYOSB-015 Normal SoftBot None 6 July 2022, 13:14:23 PDT
etto@TH SB-014 Special SoftBot New Year's Luck 6 July 2022, 09:28:56 PDT
544 results found.