Character Masterlist

Thumbnail for SB-073: Cerise
SoftBotSpecial ・ Miami Sunset ・ ochacake
Thumbnail for SB-072
SoftBotSpecial ・ Storm Dragon ・ umbral-wind@TH
Thumbnail for SB-071
SoftBotSpecial ・ Blue Dream ・ mantisgrimoire
Thumbnail for SB-070
SoftBotSpecial ・ Echoes in the Caverns ・ Cryptid_bunz
Thumbnail for SB-069
SoftBotSpecial ・ Dark Kelp ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-065: AHRA 📀
SoftBotSpecial ・ Golden Circuits ・ hadou
Thumbnail for SB-064
SoftBotSpecial ・ April's False CHICKEN ・ Mem@TH
Thumbnail for SB-050
SoftBotSpecial ・ Thorns & Roses ・ Enski
Thumbnail for SB-049: Shashi
SoftBotSpecial ・ Luxurious Lynx ・ NeonMace
Thumbnail for SB-047: CLOUD 🍙
SoftBotSpecial ・ Toy Unicorn ・ hadou
Thumbnail for SB-046
SoftBotSpecial ・ Map into the Stars ・ paralogues@TH
Thumbnail for SB-044
SoftBotSpecial ・ Among the Willow ・ crowyalty@TH
Thumbnail for SB-042
SoftBotSpecial ・ Desert Caravan ・ Hitsuji_Hime@TH
Thumbnail for SB-041: Ebi
SoftBotSpecial ・ Fresh Shrimp ・ Awkward_Angel
Thumbnail for SB-039
SoftBotSpecial ・ Cheesed to Meet You ・ CherryLace@TH
Owner Name Rarity Species Title Created
saintechoes MYOSB-078 Special SoftBot None 11 July 2022, 17:08:18 PDT
Cryptid_bunz SB-077: Iberis 🔮🗝️🎆 Special SoftBot Asexual Pride 11 July 2022, 11:32:45 PDT
NeonMace MYOSB-76 Special SoftBot None 21 June 2023, 17:19:57 PDT
honeycharme SB-074: Elezar 🕸 Special SoftBot Under the Blood Moon 11 July 2022, 11:16:18 PDT
ochacake SB-073: Cerise Special SoftBot Miami Sunset 11 July 2022, 10:56:18 PDT
umbral-wind@TH SB-072 Special SoftBot Storm Dragon 10 July 2022, 09:41:55 PDT
mantisgrimoire SB-071 Special SoftBot Blue Dream 10 July 2022, 09:37:57 PDT
Cryptid_bunz SB-070 Special SoftBot Echoes in the Caverns 10 July 2022, 09:28:07 PDT
NeonMace SB-069 Special SoftBot Dark Kelp 10 July 2022, 09:22:32 PDT
hadou SB-065: AHRA 📀 Special SoftBot Golden Circuits 10 July 2022, 08:59:04 PDT
Mem@TH SB-064 Special SoftBot April's False CHICKEN 10 July 2022, 08:54:21 PDT
hadou SB-063: SPARKLES ✨ Special SoftBot A+ Touchpad 10 July 2022, 08:49:59 PDT
Gakuwalked MYOSB-060 Special SoftBot None 31 December 2022, 15:21:00 PST
Gakuwalked SB-057: Sig Special SoftBot Silver Tabby 10 July 2022, 08:21:46 PDT
Slothdraco13 MYOSB-053: Mori Special SoftBot None 10 July 2022, 21:09:44 PDT
CROWSHONOR@TH SB-052 Special SoftBot FROZEN 8 July 2022, 08:38:31 PDT
Enski SB-050 Special SoftBot Thorns & Roses 8 July 2022, 08:30:39 PDT
NeonMace SB-049: Shashi Special SoftBot Luxurious Lynx 8 July 2022, 08:27:05 PDT
hadou SB-047: CLOUD 🍙 Special SoftBot Toy Unicorn 8 July 2022, 08:20:41 PDT
paralogues@TH SB-046 Special SoftBot Map into the Stars 8 July 2022, 08:17:22 PDT
crowyalty@TH SB-044 Special SoftBot Among the Willow 8 July 2022, 08:10:40 PDT
Hitsuji_Hime@TH SB-042 Special SoftBot Desert Caravan 8 July 2022, 08:04:16 PDT
Awkward_Angel SB-041: Ebi Special SoftBot Fresh Shrimp 8 July 2022, 08:01:10 PDT
CherryLace@TH SB-039 Special SoftBot Cheesed to Meet You 8 July 2022, 07:55:02 PDT
186 results found.