Sinister May Ahead...

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Gakuwalked

Happy may everyone!!

Ah, the birds are singing, the bugs are buzzing, the flowers are growing...

Late spring is in full swing!!

and it seems like something worrying is around the corner, bubbling up in Poltera...

Which brings us to our main feature- The monthly prompt reveal!!

live cult reaction
The good people of the Livenet want to know- have you run into these SoftBots lately?

Infermation on YOUR encounter could save lives, and shake the cult to its core!

Tell us your story today!! Send pictures!! Bring them to justice!

There's also some wonderful goodies in store for entrants- special mysterious coins...
and the possibility of getting 1 of 3 custom chibi moodboard SoftBots by Gakuwalked!!

Also, just a heads up, things might be slow at the end of the month as Gothy, Luparoca and I are going to be enjoying Fanime in California!
So expect maybe a little slowness in getting to things...!

That's all for now-

Have a wonderful sunny may!


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