

"Welcome to our humble store... If you have any questions, I am here to provide answers."
The stoic and cool softbot says as he greets you by the door.

This is the PermaShop, where all the items never change, and are always available for you to buy for your SoftBots!


Edit Items
Drape Repair Kit
Drape Repair Kit
Cost: 500 Botcoin
Exclusive Jewel
Exclusive Jewel
Cost: 6 Exclusive Jewel Shard
Exclusive Jewel
Exclusive Jewel
Cost: 1000 Botcoin
Major Edit Chip
Major Edit Chip
Cost: 400 Botcoin
Minor Edits Chip
Minor Edits Chip
Cost: 150 Botcoin
Mod Remover
Mod Remover
Cost: 100 Botcoin
Special Jewel
Special Jewel
Cost: 450 Botcoin
Gifts & Boxes
Welcome Gift
Welcome Gift
Cost: 0 Botcoin
Max 1 per user
Lineage Vial
Lineage Vial
Cost: 800 Botcoin