The Beginning


Star system P-349KPR was originally deemed uninhabitable as many of the planets surrounding the small star were too cold to sustain life. However, the closest planet (Poltera) had liquid water and was in the habitable zone. Desperate to station on solid ground, the Earth colony decided to land and try to inhabit the planet.

They found life was in abundance much like Earth, but the temperature was far cooler and could create harsh environments. In order for a successful attempt, the colony made its home near the equator where it was a more comfortable temperature.

For a few centuries, humans and their companions SoftBots would build a suitable civilization. Many plants and some animals were introduced to Poltera, but most died off as a result of the harsh cold- however, SoftBots managed to save quite a few plants, leading to new flora flourishing in certain regions. The animals, on the otherhand, struggled to adapt and had to be bred with native animals in order to survive.

Slowly, humans started to diminish in numbers as the harsh enviornment of Poltera took a toll despite the technology to help sustain them through the cold. Eventually, SoftBots became the majority, their fur able to keep them warm enough when winter arrived. When the last human of Poltera died, a new age was established.

Through the centuries of working with humans, SoftBot intelligence grew. Their AI systems became indistinguishable from that of a living organism which enabled them to survive and thrive even without humans. SoftBot society flourished in the new age and many adopted the human tradition of nations and currency. However, SoftBots have a stronger sense of community, allowing them to solve many problems humans used to have.