
Black Coin (BLC)

Displays as: 0 Black Coin
Held by: Users

Botcoin (BC)

Displays as: 0 Botcoin
Held by: Users

Botcoin is the international currency of Poltera! All SoftBots, regardless of Kingdom, use it.
As a digital currency, it has no physical representation. SoftBots don't even need a card or a machine to be able to access theirs- they have a chip built into them that allows them to do a transaction anywhere.

Choco Horns

Choco Horns (CH)

Displays as: 0 CH
Held by: Users
Exclusive Jewel Shard

Exclusive Jewel Shard (EJS)

Displays as: 0 Exclusive Jewel Shard
Held by: Users

Collect 6 of these to exchange for an Exclusive Jewel! Unlike the one for Botcoin, the Jewel bought with these can be bought as long as you have the shards for it.

Scrap (SC)

Displays as: 0 SC
Held by: Users
5 results found.