
Wild Fauna
Poltera’s hunter of the seas


Nymphion are a native species to Poltera. They’re strictly carnivores and generally considered an apex predator due to their large size. Their diet consists of pretty much anything they can get their jaws around; this leads to younger and bolder nymphion taking on things too big to fit in their mouth and dying.

Nymphion are incredibly territorial. They’re solitary creatures who attack generally anything that wanders too far into their domain. Fights and scars among older generations are incredibly common, as well as lost fins and missing limbs.
Females are typically stronger than males, leading to males being more likely to wander without any set territory.

Variation among whisker amount and horn prongs/length is to be expected within this species. Identification is incredibly easy due to this, as well as the individual patterns each specimen has.
These patterns range from speckles, to stripes, and to nothing, but always have some sort of white spotting on them- though this rarely can mutate and leave a nymphion without any white coloration.
Their dorsal fins contain sharp barbs that lack poison but can pack a mighty stab.
Albinism is common while melanism is yet to have been recorded with solid scientific proof.

Males fall typically among the 15 meter range [40-50 ft] while females can be found at as large as 27 meters [88-90 ft]. Their habitat has allowed them to become so large- yet their hunting method baffles scientists due to how impractical it seems.

To hunt, Nymphion can take 1 of 3 options. Chase something within the sea, stun and catch a sea dwelling avian, or- the most startling of all- purposefully beach themselves to snatch up any shore creatures walking by.
Not too unlike that of Earth’s Orcas, Nymphion will lunge up the shore and continue moving until their jaws clamp down on something edible. Afterwards, they use their finger-like front flippers to assist in returning to the ocean.
It’s uncommon but not rare to see deceased Nymphion along shorelines who couldn’t manage to unbeach themselves in time.

Behavior-wise, they’re incredibly aggressive and cunning. They’re capable of solving problems with ease, as well as navigating tight spaces successfully. Nymphion don’t mate for life, as the females will typically chase off and/or kill the male if he sticks around too long.
However, they are stubborn creatures. They’ll keep working at a problem until it's solved, even if that problem is better left alone. Furthermore, they’re yet to grasp the idea of toxic prey.
Softbot attacks resulting from Nymphion attacks are rare, but almost all result in a cold and painful death of both creatures involved.

Nymphion typically only have one offspring. On the occasional occurrence of two being born, the mother will ignore the weaker one until it inevitably starves or gets snatched up by an opportunistic hunter.
However, she’s incredibly fierce regarding her stronger child. She’ll go out of her way to defend her territory and drive off any creature- harmless or not- that she sees, as most predators and prey alike will try to kill the young Nymphion in hopes that it doesn’t grow to adult size.