<a href="https://www.planetpoltera.com/world/items?name=Lineage Vial" class="display-item">Lineage Vial</a>

Lineage Vial

Category: Special

Resale Value: 400 Botcoin

A peculiar vial that allows you to set a SoftBot as the canonical child of two other SoftBots on the ML's Lineage tab!

In order to use, please submit a CLAIM with the 'child' linked in the url field, 'parents' listed in the character section and this item attached in the addons section!
Please make sure to tell us which is which! Especially if you have a specific SoftBot in mind for Giver/Reciever on the lineage tab.
And proof of consent if one of the softbots being paired belongs to someone else.


This item's effect is permanent and cannot be undone!