
<a href=" Tongue Mod" class="display-item">Split Tongue Mod</a>

Split Tongue Mod

Category: Mods

A Mod for SoftBots who are a bit more brave!

This Mod allows SoftBots to have a split in their tongue. Can be cut down the middle or create an oddform tongue.

<a href=" Tubing Mod" class="display-item">Chain Tubing Mod</a>

Chain Tubing Mod

Category: Mods

A mod that fuses rims together to make a chain-like line across a SoftBot's body that has spots of tubing between, imitating a chain.

Tubing is similar to flat tubing, though can be raised.

<a href=" Pupils Mod" class="display-item">Shaped Pupils Mod</a>

Shaped Pupils Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 23 Botcoin

A general mod for any pupil shape! Can be any shape so long as it fits within the iris.

This also allows for star or heart pupil shapes- no need for the specific mods!

<a href=" Halo Mod" class="display-item">Mechanical Halo Mod</a>

Mechanical Halo Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 15 Botcoin

Gives your SoftBot a mechanical Halo.

<a href=" Rims Mod" class="display-item">Petal Rims Mod</a>

Petal Rims Mod

Category: Mods

A mod that twists and raises the metal rims around the horn and tubing into a layered flower-petal shape.

<a href=" Palette Chip" class="display-item">Alt Palette Chip</a>

Alt Palette Chip

Category: Mods

A Mod that enables a SoftBot to switch between two colour palettes at will. One new palette per mod , up to 3 max.

- Patterns, markings and traits should remain the same. This mod cannot add markings or patterns.
- Can affect every colour or just some

<a href=" Eyering Mod" class="display-item">Bionic Eyering Mod</a>

Bionic Eyering Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 23 Botcoin

A mod that gives your SoftBot otherworldly looking mechanical eyerings. Can be any colour.

<a href=" Objects Mod" class="display-item">Holo Objects Mod</a>

Holo Objects Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 37 Botcoin

A mod that allows your SoftBot to project small holographic objects from their body that float around them. Not limited to celestial bodies.

<a href=" Irises Mod" class="display-item">Shaped Irises Mod</a>

Shaped Irises Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 23 Botcoin

Gives your SoftBot irises of any shape, so long as the pupil is still visible.

<a href=" Mod" class="display-item">Multitail Mod</a>

Multitail Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 23 Botcoin

Gives a SoftBot the ability to have up to 8 extra tails along with their base one, for a maximum of 9. Must all be the same, and have the same drape

<a href=" Arms Mod" class="display-item">Multiple Arms Mod</a>

Multiple Arms Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 37 Botcoin

Grants your SoftBot a set of extra arms. Cannot have more than 1 set.

<a href=" Horn Mod" class="display-item">Spiral Horn Mod</a>

Spiral Horn Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 37 Botcoin

Gives your SoftBot's horn a spiral texture, like that of the Unicorns humans so adored.

<a href=" Mod" class="display-item">Terrarium Mod</a>

Terrarium Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 75 Botcoin

Add a moving screen cover to a part of your SoftBot. Makes it look like the inside is a little Terrarium!

Terrarium MUST have metal rimming where it meets the body.

<a href=" Mod" class="display-item">Permacontacts Mod</a>

Permacontacts Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 37 Botcoin

Gives your SoftBot eyes that are a different colour than their blood.

<a href=" Chest Spike Mod" class="display-item">Spiral Chest Spike Mod</a>

Spiral Chest Spike Mod

Category: Mods

A Mod that grants a modified chest spike, spiralled like a classic unicorn horn.

<a href=" Wings Mod" class="display-item">Feathered Wings Mod</a>

Feathered Wings Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 50 Botcoin

Gives your SoftBot small, flightless feathered wings.

<a href=" Markings Mod" class="display-item">Metallic Markings Mod</a>

Metallic Markings Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 23 Botcoin

Gives your SoftBot's markings a metallic sheen.

<a href=" Marking Mod" class="display-item">Glowing Marking Mod</a>

Glowing Marking Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 23 Botcoin

Gives your Softbot's markings a soft glow.

<a href=" Extension Mod" class="display-item">Tube Extension Mod</a>

Tube Extension Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 37 Botcoin

Allows your Softbot's Tubing to go beyond the body. Must still have some support across them.

<a href=" Halos Mod" class="display-item">Orbital Halos Mod</a>

Orbital Halos Mod

Category: Mods

Resale Value: 37 Botcoin

Gives your SoftBot halos that orbit around them. Limit is 5.

45 results found.