
Monarch (SoftBot Rank)

Royal SoftBots who are currently in a position of power over a country or will be in the future. They are prestigious and highly regarded by their people. They are all widely known around the world of Poltera and are often treated like celebrities. They're considered the most elegant of Royals as they need to be under the gaze of all.

They are also the strongest of magic users.

NOTE: This rank is unobtainable and are to be treated as NPCs.

Royal (SoftBot Rank)

SoftBots born with a strong sense of leadership and an elegant appearance. They are rare and are revered higher than Nobles even if they do not hold any political influence. Like Guardians, they tend to hold records for their feral heights- sometimes being even taller than their protectors!

They have a strong grip on magic.

NOTE: This rank cannot be obtained outside of adopt sales or special offers by admins.

Noble (SoftBot Rank)

Nobles are like Royalty, except on a much smaller scale- rather than ruling entire kingdoms, they serve a more local function as community supporters! They help fund cities and villages they live in or near, and are excellent spreaders of wealth. Nobles also mingle with Royalty to make sure their family lines stay stable, as there are generally more Nobles than Royals.

They tend to be much smaller in size and much less proficient with magic than Royalty.

NOTE: This rank cannot be obtained outside of adopt sales or raffles.

Guardian (SoftBot Rank)

Guardians are known throughout Polteran history as the personal knights of Royalty, and are treated with almost as much reverance as their charges. They're also easy to spot in a crowd- sometimes standing at around 7 feet tall in humanoid form, and at 4 feet tall in feral. They tend to be trained in all forms of combat and a bit of magic, but often favour 1 or 2 over the others.

Unlike Royals, no SoftBot is born a Guardian- it is a blessing bestowed upon those who have shown exceptional skill, either in a school for those aiming to be a Guardian or due to some great favour done for Royalty. Due to the nature of their creation, they have a strong urge to aid other SoftBots- especially Royalty and Nobles.

The state of Guardians having relationships outside that of their duties is hotly debated among kingdoms- most these days believe Guardians should be allowed to form lasting friendships with other Bots and their charges, but some kingdoms like Eisafjoria believe anything other than complete devotion to their duties as a protector should be strictly prohibited and punished severely. Relationships of a romantic nature with their charge is not unheard of, but generally frowned upon (other than in Eisafjoria, where it's banned outright).

Also, due to their incredible stature, they're very well known to have an awe-inspiring appetite...!

NOTE: This rank can be added to a Civilian/Nomad SoftBot through completing the Knight's Academy quest!

Civilian (SoftBot Rank)

Civilians are your typical average SoftBot rank! Most city or town-dwelling SoftBots are Civilian, and lead lives from the simple to the complex. This rank has the most job diversity of any other!

Nomad (SoftBot Rank)

Nomads are, as their rank name suggests: Nomadic! They live off the land and are generally much heartier and bulkier than other ranks (Besides Guardians). They have much more fur and as a result are more cold resistant. They are survivalists and live in small family units outside city limits.
Nomads also know how to go toe-to-toe with massive Aberrants, and are prone towards being travelling merchants or musicians.

With a MYO slot, you can make a Nomad instead of a Civilian, if you so choose!

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