

Base (Normal)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

Drapes typically grow out of the base of a SoftBot's tail.

NOTE: Ripped/torn looking drapes like the one pictured is a separate rarity. The example is only being used here to show off that it's attached to the tail base.


Middle (Special)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

It's rather unusual to see a SoftBot sporting a drape growing out of the middle of their tail.


Tip (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

It's very rare for a SoftBot to be growing a drape out of the tip of their tail. Often leads to much staring.


Metal (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

It's rather shocking to see a SoftBot growing a metallic drape!

Some wonder if they hurt to grow, but are too scared to ask.


Fabric (Normal)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

Normally, a SoftBot's drape is made of fabric.

NOTE: Please refrain from giving a Normal drape a metallic sheen to golden/silver trim! We do not allow it as it could be mistaken for the Metal drape trait.

Hide (Special)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

SoftBots may occasionally grow a drape made of organic material other than fabric, such as leather or paper, but it's rather rare.


Back (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A drape type typically reserved for the Vampire subtype, but may be curiously seen on other SoftBots as well.

On a regular SoftBot, it appears as a capelike attachment.

When on a Vampiric SoftBot, the drape can unfold into wings with the same pattern as the drape.


Torn (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

Though it's hard to pull off, a SoftBot may possibly rip up their drape- a painful and bloody procedure.


Fur (Normal)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A drape made entirely of fur.


Nonstandard (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A Drape that does not conform to normal standards.


Scales (Special)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A drape made up of chitenous scales.

Overgrown (Unique)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A drape that has grown where it shouldn't have, beyond the original point of growth.

12 results found.