

Middle (Special)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

It's rather unusual to see a SoftBot sporting a drape growing out of the middle of their tail.


Base (Normal)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

Drapes typically grow out of the base of a SoftBot's tail.

NOTE: Ripped/torn looking drapes like the one pictured is a separate rarity. The example is only being used here to show off that it's attached to the tail base.


Fabric (Normal)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

Normally, a SoftBot's drape is made of fabric.

NOTE: Please refrain from giving a Normal drape a metallic sheen to golden/silver trim! We do not allow it as it could be mistaken for the Metal drape trait.


Torn (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

Though it's hard to pull off, a SoftBot may possibly rip up their drape- a painful and bloody procedure.


Fur (Normal)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A drape made entirely of fur.


Nonstandard (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A Drape that does not conform to normal standards.


Scales (Special)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A drape made up of chitenous scales.

Overgrown (Unique)

Category: Drape Type
Species: SoftBot

A drape that has grown where it shouldn't have, beyond the original point of growth.


None (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Layers
Species: SoftBot

A lack of a drape entirely. SoftBots lacking a drape are treated with pity.


One (Normal)

Category: Drape Layers
Species: SoftBot

Having a drape consisting of one layer is considered Normal for SoftBots.

You may add things to them such as fur rims and scalloping, but it must be obvious these are attached to the ends.


Three+ (Exclusive)

Category: Drape Layers
Species: SoftBot

A rarity among SoftBots is a drape with 3 or more layers.


Two (Special)

Category: Drape Layers
Species: SoftBot

Having a drape consisting of two layers is considered Special for SoftBots. Not many have them, but you can bet other SoftBots are looking when they walk by!



Holo-Objects (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Holographic objects that orbit around the SoftBot, projected from their own modified body. Can be anything from tiny planets to numbers, but cannot be halo-like.

Can be several different shapes, but all must remain small and they must be placed sparcely. Follows a theme.

Multiple Arms

Multiple Arms (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that allows for a second set of arms.

Multiple Tails

Multiple Tails (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Allows a SoftBot to have up to 9 tails, like the Kitsune of human legend. Must be the same type and must share the drape.

Shaped Irises

Shaped Irises (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Pupils that have odd shapes to them. Cannot be mismatched.

Petal Rims

Petal Rims (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Some artisan modders can add flower petal-like layers on top of the basic metallic rings around a SoftBot's tubing, creating stunning displays.

Alt Palette

Alt Palette (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

When a SoftBot has another palette, like a winter coat. Can switch between approved palettes at will.

This Mod only affects colours, not markings or patterns.

Flat Tubing

Flat Tubing (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

One of the only two Normal rarity mods, along with Mechanical Halo. Rather than having the tubes coming out of metal rims and snaking over the body, flat tubing instead allows tubes to be built right into the body.

This mod has become very popular as of late.

Bionic Eye Rings

Bionic Eye Rings (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that gives your SoftBot otherworldly looking mechanical eyerings. Can be any colour.

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