

Antennae (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that allows for a pair of antennae. While the most popular kind is the furred antennae of a moth, it's not unusual to see other types, or even stylized ones. Cannot be horn-like.

Spiral Horn

Spiral Horn (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Gives the central horn a spiral texture, like on unicorns of old human myths.


Fangs (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

While all SoftBots may have small, regular-sized canines, only with the fangs mod would they be able to have teeth like that of a tiger or lion, that peek out the mouth significantly.

Can be on the bottom row of teeth, but bottom fangs and top fangs cannot be paired together.

Colored Teeth

Colored Teeth (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Normally, SoftBots only have white or slightly yellowed teeth, but with the coloured teeth mod, their teeth can be any range of colours- even multiple.

Multiple Eyes

Multiple Eyes (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Allows for multiple eyes other than the ones on the face. Can be anywhere, and any amount.

Eye-based mods will also be reflected in each eye, and each eye must be the same colour as the blood unless heterochromia or permacontacts are present.

Tube Extension

Tube Extension (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Tubing that lifts off the SoftBot’s body, with the help of mechanical extensions.

Typically tubing fits snug or arch only slightly away from the body to avoid breaking, but some SoftBots like to live on the edge a little.

Digital Terrarium

Digital Terrarium (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that’s actually a digital screen built over top of the SoftBot’s body to give the illusion of a 3D space within. This mod tends to be pretty expensive, as few know how to install them. Terrarium MUST have metal rimming where it meets the body.

What's inside is up to the designer- can be anything from a digital display of dolphins swimming in a coral reef to an astonishingly 3D lava lamp display. However, to change the theme on the ML, you'll have to have an edit chip handy.


Perma-Contacts (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

High-tech contact lenses built into the eyes that allow a SoftBot to have eyes a different colour than their blood.

Can be stacked with Heterochromia.


Glow (Markings) (Mod)

Category: Mods
Parent Trait: Glow (Mod)
Species: SoftBot

Exactly as it says on the tin- allows a SoftBot's markings to glow. All of them can glow, or only some.


Glow (Blood) (Mod)

Category: Mods
Parent Trait: Glow (Mod)
Species: SoftBot

Allows a SoftBot's blood to glow. Can be turned on or off at will. Unlike with markings, all of the blood tubes must glow if active.

Metallic Markings

Metallic Markings (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Markings that have a metallic sheen. Can be all markings or just some, but all metallic markings must be the same colours.

With this mod, it's possible for the edge trim of a SoftBot's drape to also have some sheen to it, but it must also be the same colour as the markings themselves.

Orbital Halo

Orbital Halo (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A stunning mod that causes a SoftBot to be encompassed in up to a max of 5 holographic halos. While circular halos are the most common, other shapes are possible as long as they are at least vaguely hoop-like.

Can be any size, and each one can be turned off at will.

Colored Pupils

Colored Pupils (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A Mod that makes the pupils any colour. Cannot be white, but can stack with shaped pupils.

White Pupils

White Pupils (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that makes the pupils of a SoftBot white. Can be stacked with shaped pupils, but not with coloured pupils.


Albinism (Mutation)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

A rare mutation that causes little to no pigmentation to be present.


- Vibrant Red or Pastel Blue Blood
- White Base Coat
- Yellow, Pink or Lavender Markings
- Drape must also have a White Base with Yellow, Pink, or Lavender Markings
- Pale Skin
- Optional Blindness/Deafness or Both
- Lorewise must be allergic to Sunlight

Curse (Curse)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

Curses are abilities or traits bestowed upon SoftBots by fickle spirits of nature that have been on Poltera since long before even humans touched down. SoftBots with especially visible curses get categorized as aberrations, and are often exiled from society.

Example of a Curse: Zero’s dullahan curse, given to him by a forest spirit that cut his head off with a scythe.

Haemograena Pleurisma

Haemograena Pleurisma (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

An ailment that causes strange white bubbles to appear in the blood. Looks odd, but is rather benign.

Some fear that this affliction is caused by something going wrong with the White Pupil Mod installation, but no official research has been done on the matter.

Attachment (Mod)

Category: Accessory

A type of accessory that's meant to be attached to the base accessory on a pet.

Base Accessory (Mod)

Category: Accessory

An accessory specifically for pet species.

Lykoi Fur

Lykoi Fur (Mutation)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

A rare mutation that causes a SoftBot's fur to appear thin and patchy, which is quite dangerous! Fur still covers all of the body, it just isn't as effective as normal.

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