
Alt Palette

Alt Palette (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

When a SoftBot has another palette, like a winter coat. Can switch between approved palettes at will.

This Mod only affects colours, not markings or patterns.


Perma-Contacts (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

High-tech contact lenses built into the eyes that allow a SoftBot to have eyes a different colour than their blood.

Can be stacked with Heterochromia.

Mechanical Tentacles

Mechanical Tentacles (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A set of mechanical tentacles built into the SoftBot. Dextrous and obviously robotic, they're great for grabbing extra things!

Only 2 allowed on a SoftBot, and they cannot be stacked with Multiple Arms. The Thorn Mod cannot appear on them.

Mechanical Wings (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Wings based on insectoid, feathered, or webbed wings, but with a techno twist.


Irisless (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Gives your SoftBot's eyes the appearance of being irisless and pupilless. How otherworldly! Presents in the colour of the blood unless Permacontacts or Coloured Sclera are active.

Furred Whiskers

Furred Whiskers (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that adds long, furry whiskers to a SoftBot! They can seem very ethereal and float around majestically.


Sectoral Iris

Sectoral Iris (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

When SoftBots just want a little bit of color added to their eyes! Sectoral Iris should be sharp color lines, gradients shouldn't be present as it can read more like Multi-toned.


Split Tongue

Split Tongue (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

For SoftBots who are a bit more brave! This Mod allows SoftBots to split their tongue. Can be cut down the middle or create an oddform tongue.


Item Container (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod where small items are placed into the horn surgically. The items have to be free-floating and not enough to clog the flow of blood throughout. Items cannot float into the bloodstream, they are fully contained in the horn!



Fins (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Fin-like appendages that mimic aquatic animals that can be applied to SoftBots. They can only appear on the arms, legs, or tail.


Petal Rims

Petal Rims (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Some artisan modders can add flower petal-like layers on top of the basic metallic rings around a SoftBot's tubing, creating stunning displays.

Flat Tubing

Flat Tubing (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

One of the only two Normal rarity mods, along with Mechanical Halo. Rather than having the tubes coming out of metal rims and snaking over the body, flat tubing instead allows tubes to be built right into the body.

This mod has become very popular as of late.

Bionic Eye Rings

Bionic Eye Rings (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that gives your SoftBot otherworldly looking mechanical eyerings. Can be any colour.


Holo-Objects (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Holographic objects that orbit around the SoftBot, projected from their own modified body. Can be anything from tiny planets to numbers, but cannot be halo-like.

Can be several different shapes, but all must remain small and they must be placed sparcely. Follows a theme.

Shaped Irises

Shaped Irises (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Pupils that have odd shapes to them. Cannot be mismatched.

Multiple Tails

Multiple Tails (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Allows a SoftBot to have up to 9 tails, like the Kitsune of human legend. Must be the same type and must share the drape.

Multiple Arms

Multiple Arms (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that allows for a second set of arms.

Spiral Horn

Spiral Horn (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

Gives the central horn a spiral texture, like on unicorns of old human myths.

Digital Terrarium

Digital Terrarium (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A mod that’s actually a digital screen built over top of the SoftBot’s body to give the illusion of a 3D space within. This mod tends to be pretty expensive, as few know how to install them. Terrarium MUST have metal rimming where it meets the body.

What's inside is up to the designer- can be anything from a digital display of dolphins swimming in a coral reef to an astonishingly 3D lava lamp display. However, to change the theme on the ML, you'll have to have an edit chip handy.

Shimmering Fur

Shimmering Fur (Mod)

Category: Mods
Species: SoftBot

A Mod that causes the fur to shimmer like stars in the night sky. Can be entirely localized to one area (eg. mane, tail) or all across their fur- hair included. Can be one colour or multiple colours.

44 results found.