
Infesio Pleurisma

Infesio Pleurisma (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

Infesio Pleurisma. A deadly affliction that causes small objects to appear in the blood. Objects can be anything from small stars to coins to fruity loops, as long as they fit in the SoftBot's tubing.

Infesio occurs when a mistake is made when tubing is being installed, or deep in winter when stardust supplies are more likely to have spoilt. There is currently no cure, but as technology and medicine develop, SoftBots that have this unfortunate disease are able to live fuller, happier lives.

Currently, the solution to it is blood transfusions given regularly.

Idimidium Inanis

Idimidium Inanis (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

An affliction that causes the afflicted to have less than average blood amount, as the body's mechanisms are damaged and unable to produce enough. SoftBots afflicted with Idimidium often have problems with fatigue, fainting spells, and general anemic symptoms.

Ossa Nec

Ossa Nec (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

An affliction where the tubes become brittle and blood leaks from them constantly when broken. Anything from their horn to their irises may bleed profusely any time the tubing is broken. While hardly fatal as breakage is easily fixable if gotten to in time, it's still often an annoyance to anyone who has it and can be scary for both the afflicted and onlookers.

Gangreana Senilis

Gangreana Senilis (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

An affliction that causes internal rusting that rarely causes filigree metal growths. Once the filigree growth starts, it continues until the whole softbot is eventually encased in it, unable to move.

There are treatments being developed that slow the spread and advancement of this affliction- but currently once you have it, it will inevitably completely immobilize and kill you. SoftBots that don't have this affliction tend to regard it as beautiful, much to the dismay of the ones who have to live with it.

Hylica Catalis

Hylica Catalis (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

A Benign affliction that causes the horn to become rather odd-looking and curved. While not a fatal affliction, SoftBots with this ailment may end up shunned by their peers.

Haemograena Pleurisma

Haemograena Pleurisma (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

An ailment that causes strange white bubbles to appear in the blood. Looks odd, but is rather benign.

Some fear that this affliction is caused by something going wrong with the White Pupil Mod installation, but no official research has been done on the matter.

Immortality (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Alternate Types

Nocmus Fesus (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

An extremely rare condition where in the SoftBot is semi-immune to the Scourge. Those afflicted with Nocmus Fesus experience a type of were-ism, where there are cycles in which they transform into an Aberration for a short period before transforming back to normal. SoftBots who are inflicted with this rare genetic mutation are subjected to exile.

Incisum Nec

Incisum Nec (Affliction)

Category: Afflictions
Species: SoftBot

An affliction that causes the tubing in SoftBots to become soft and gummy. It's very easy to puncture these soft tubes, so bots with this affliction must be very careful. Tubing may also sag and cause uncomfortable pressure in the jointed rims.

It's very common for bots with this affliction to have a nub horn as normal horns will sag and become impossibly difficult. Regular horns also cause severe migraines due to the sagging effect, therefore it's recommended that a bot get their horn reduced surgically.

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